Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ah, Life

Well, as for Halloween reports, mine was pretty uneventful. I watched parts of the Halloween movies they were playing on AMC and a bunch of the tv show Ghost Hunters. Then last night Stone and I went to a concert downtown that a friend of ours was playing in. He's in a metal band called Grave Robbing Extravaganza and even though I'm not into that kind of music, their band is really freakin good. I didn't dress up or anything, I just couldn't get into the Halloween spirit this year for some reason. Anyway, it was fun.

As for my play last weekend, it went pretty well. I didn't mess up too many times, and when I did it wasn't too noticable I don't think. We didn't have very big audiences which was disappointing but we still gave it our best and I think it turned out well. I managed to learn a new part in about four days and did a pretty good job with it. Now I'm super stressed about this play coming up. We're are getting down to the wire and I have to teach everyone how to apply their makeup and people are seeming to have a lot of trouble getting to their appointment on time, and sometimes just getting there at all. So it's frustrating and I have to figure out how to get them all in makeup because some of them can't do it themselves and I have to make false beards for two actors, several of them for each. Plus all my class projects and work, it's a little crazy. But once this show opens (in a week, thank God) things will calm down. Hopefully, anyway. It's going to be a good show and I'm excited about it, but right now it's kicking everyone's butt. Anyway, speaking of which, I have to run off to a makeup appointment, hopefully the guy will show up. And on time. Love to all!


Jenn said...

well, it seems like you have been pretty eventful to me karen! Its good to read whats going on in your life. Good luck!

Poopsie said...

Who is Stone? I know nothing about your friends or your life except the little you share here, and a tiny bit from your mother.
It can be frustrating when people don't show up for things, but it sounds very cool. How do you make a fake beard? I have only bought them at the local WalMart.

Beth said...

The thing that really cured me of being late was having to wait for other people, maybe they will have the same learning experience! If they do they will be more considerate of other peoples time!
Other than that, it sounds like a great experience and alot of fun!

Jenn said...

Mom, you have been pretty good at being at places on time these days!