Thursday, November 1, 2007

October 31.

So, Casey and I don't have Halloween like everyone else... at least not yet! No little ones to dress up, no teen ones to pick up, and no one else's kids to give candy to. So instead of all that, we looked at condos. Haha. Of course, the traffic was stupid because it was Halloween night- which we didn't think of when we made the appointment to meet the realtor- but we made it to see the two places we were planning to see. And we saw plenty of dressed up people along the way! Anyways, the main reason I'm telling this story is that even though we weren't planning to have a creepy Halloween experience, we did. We went to the first condo- and of course it's mostly dark by 6:30 now, so it was mostly dark when we got there. The realtor went to open the place up and switch the lights on and they didn't work- the property is bank owned and no one lives there, so what's the point in paying electric bills, right? Well, we start talking and trying to see what we can and all of a sudden this shadow appears in the hall- okay, not a shadow, a person! A shirtless person at that! The realtor tries to say something to him and guess what? Surprise-suprise, he doesn't speak a WORD of English. Can you read the sarcasm? So, she tries to get through to him with her VERY minimal Spanish, and next thing we know, he wanders down the hall and comes back with a candle on a plate. HAHAHA! So, he's trying to gesture to us to look around while he holds the candle. Needless to say, we made a quick pass through and then got the heck out of there! Then while we were chatting outside before moving to the next place, the guy comes down with a backback (and all his clothes) on and heads away from there. The realtor was pretty much mortified and probably got on the phone with the people in charge of the property as soon as she got in her SUV. That dude definitely wasn't supposed to be there... living in the dark. It's too bad the neighborhood is like that because the unit was great... from what we could see by candlelight! HAHA! :)


Jenn said...

Ok, that is a little strange lol

Beth said...

What a great story! I bet your Realtor just about had a heart attack!