Wednesday, November 7, 2007

enjoy the freshness

thought you all would enjoy this. it is a pic that was taken not that long ago on the flight deck before a small arms familiarization fire. i am holding a MK18. it is like the M16 but smaller and more compact than the 16. we use it only for VBSS boardings(Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure).


Poopsie said...

Okay, the cropped version is better for me. :) I had no idea that there were so many types of machine guns in use. Is this a typical carrying weapon, like for standing watch?
Thank you for explaining VBSS, is that like what pirates do? :)
Also, I am not sure what familiarization fire is.

Christie said...

Look at you Navy stud-muffin! Haha. You look awesome Nate and it's always nice to be allowed to carry a big gun... or at least a smaller version of a big gun! :) No, I know you get to handle the big stuff. I hope you are doing well!

Nathan said...

VBSS gets to search ships for any contraband and if anything like guns, drugs, or even people, we sieze the ship until we can get it to a port with authority over it. fam fires are just so we get people familiar with the weapon, and i dont carry that particular weapon. i am not on vbss i stand watch witht he M16

Beth said...

Wow, your all grown up! and your right, we do enjoy when you share recent photos and what is going on in your life!
Love, Aunt Beth

Jenn said...

Hey, who's that hottie holding the gun?! OH ITS NATE!!! lol....Good picture Nathan, I wish I could carry a big gun like Big gunner phillips can! Keep posting more pics please!