Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Most people when they hear the word "fruitcake" think "YUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!", but not this bunch of 'nuts'. We LOVE the stuff!!! Made from my Grannie Southworth's recipe, brought with her from her home in Scotland when she came to the U.S. to live. Mammie used to make it by the ton, literally. Now I am the "Keeper of the FRiutcake Recipe". It's amazing to me that some cold coffee, dates, some sugar, flour, spices and a handful of raisins can taste sooooo YUMMY.

well, this is the time of year that my mind goes back to my childhood and my Gram's warm kitchen, smelling like Scotch shortbread baking and the spicy concoction being readied to go into the pan to become fruitcake. i loved my Grandma and loved spending time with her and doing things with her. She was not wealthy in the way the world views wealth but she passed on to me the love of doing the everyday things for the people you love.

that's it for tonight, my beloved 'NUTS". May you all, both near and far (Ilove you,Nate) have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!!


Poopsie said...

Fruitcake and a cup of tea on Friday morning... yummy tradition. I never understaood the fruitcake jokes in movies and such, until I had someone give me one from outside the family. they heard me say I like fruitcake. NOT THEIRS!
I love you, Mom. I hope we can have acup of drink and a slice of something yummy real soon.

Kathy said...

Fruitcake is the Christmas season breakfast of champions. You can never make enough! I almost think it might be a healthy choice too. How could it be bad when your mum makes it for you?

What a blessing to have a legacy to share. We are glad, Mom, that you have taken over the recipe and that you make it for us all. I think Christie needs to learn to make it--she'll need to make a date with you to get a lesson....

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to my first piece. And my second.

Maybe even third. But not all at once!

Beth said...

No doubt about it, fruitcake is the dessert/breakfast for the season! I'm not sure I ever knew that the recipe was handed down and it makes it more special to know that it is more of a family tradition than even I knew!
Love you Mom, Happy Thanksgiving!

Jenn said...

I never knew about fruitcake