Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I"m mike D in the corner!

Yeah. beastie boys. I haven't blogged in a while. SO whats up family? Why is everything on the blog randomly enlarged!? Is it everyones, or just mine? I'm confused. WEll today was the first big snow storm and the hartford bus took about an hour to get to glen road in lebanon where we decided to turn around and come back home.....so total we were stuck in the snow on a bus for about two hours. and then I helpd mom unload wreaths that we picked up from a vietnamese wreath making farm. and yeah. So. I would type more, but I'm tired. and don't feel like it. So I'll se everyone on thursday for thanksgiving. IS ANYONE BRINGING SWEET POTATOES!? If not, mike is making them. because he loves and cares about me...and my sweet potato needs. and because he knows most of you will enjoy them as well! love


Kathy said...

Excuse me, but sweet potatoes are an Easter treat. And I thought Mike would be bringing spinach jello salad....no...that's fourth of July....I love sweet potatoes too. Ask Mike to make them. YUM! YUM!

Poopsie said...

Hey, Jenn, I have sweet potatoes at my house. You are welcome to come and eat them. :)

Nathan said...

god knows i would never eat them even though when i do come home i eat everything in the house. enjoy turkey day!!!

Beth said...

I'm with you Nate...UGH! Which is why when it's at my house we don't have them! LOL!

Jenn said...

well I ended up making the sweet potatoes and they were wayyy to sugary but tasty as well