Monday, November 19, 2007

hi this is kyle. thank you christie for letting me be a part of this its great to be able to know and let everyone know what is going on. nothing new just work and hanging out. between working on race cars and hanging out with alyssa and work i dont do much else as of this moment hopefully we will see alot of snow so i can take my beutiful snowmobile out and enjoy some of the winter. maybe if we have snow at christmas christie can bring casey home to go 4 a ride. well thats it for now. im going to miss everyone as always on thanksgiving but there is also my dad and other family to see. i can see most of you whenever but that doesnt meen i dont miss you all regardless. have a safe and happy thanksgiving. love kyle


Kathy said...

Hey Kyle! Thanks for posting! No worries about Thanksgiving. We always miss you but we know how it is to divide your time between families. Seeing your dad is important! We'll see you soon!

Poopsie said...

Welcome, Kyle!
I miss you as well. :)
I can't wait until we hear more about you and your life.
Please drive safely when you visit your dad. It has been a nightmare on the roads lately.
Love, Aunt Cindy :)
You are welcome to stop by, but we are heading north on Friday, and coming home on Sunday.

DJ said...

HI KYLE!!!!!!!



Christie said...

Hey Kyle! I'm sorry we'll miss you on Thanksgiving, but I can't wait to see you for Family Christmas! I hope there is snow- this time I wont be such a wuss about the snowmobilin'! :) Love ya!

Beth said...

I'm so happy that you have decided to join the blog! It's a great way to stay in touch and we are really happy that you've joined!
Love, Aunt Beth

Jenn said...

ARE YOU KIDDING!? WHO LET KYLE IN ON THIS!? hhaahaha no I'm kidding kyle, I'm glad your joined. DRIVE SAFE ON YOU TRIP! I swear if you drive off the road I WILL NOT be a happy camper. Be smart. Happy thanksgiving. Love you...ALOT

Nathan said...

GREAT. just when i thought it would be just me and dj as the only males here, you show up. thats cool though. makes me happy, cause hardly anything does any more. you will be missed on thanksgiving just like i will miss every one then and christmas. see you all in jan. peace out!!