Sunday, November 4, 2007

i should've come up anyway...

well i hope everyone had a good weekend up there. i hope it was fun and everything. i just got off the phone with Lexi. Don't plan on see her for christmas. i guess i should've come up with my mom and found something to do there. that's about all i have to say. i'll talk to you all later.


Kathy said...

Hey, D. I know having your heart broken makes for the worst day. I'm not sure what Lexi is thinking and I would surprised if she knew! YOU know that you are trustworthy and have stood beside her as she decided to go to college here in Vermont. I'm thinking about you. Love, Aunt Kathy

Jenn said...

Wait...Did I miss something? DJ, whats going on!? You should have came up...I could have been your shoulder to cry on!! I love you, and I hope everything gets better, whatever that may be! <<33

Beth said...

I'm with Jenn...did I miss something? Growing up sucks but remember that we all love you and trust you and are here if you need us.
Love, Aunt Beth