Saturday, November 10, 2007

I wish a had a camera....

I drive the same road everyday to work. It is a back road from the Home front to work, and when I worked in Groton, Ruth and I used to see deer everyday. I haven't seen one since going to TVCCA, but I keep looking. I love that road, there are several large fields, lots of woods, and curves, and an area with a small pond. The trees overhang the road, and it is very heart soothing. Maybe because it reminds me of "home".
In any case, while driving to work yesterday, I noticed a few large blackbirds, whether crows or ravens, I don't know. They were flying ahead of me, no big deal. Then, I drove by this house, where I often slow down because there are apple trees in the yard, prime deer viewing in a past life. :) There were large black birds all over the yard! I could barely see the grass. The trees were covered, and even the roof of the house. It creeped me out so bad, I backed up for a second look. :) All I could envision was the end of the movie, "The Birds". I have never, ever, sen that in the past, and I have been driving that road, pretty much daily for 5+ years.
I'll keep driving it, too. :)


Beth said...

THAT IS FREAKIN WEIRD AND SCARY! I'm glad I didnt' see it, I probably wouldn't sleep for a month!

Jenn said...

creeeepppy, I thought this was leading up to all the deer caught some E-coli disease, and died in this yard, and all the black birds were picking their bones clean!! ha. maybe i'm just weird

Kathy said...

MAYBE you are weird??! LOL!!

I wish I had seen the sight. It sounds so scary and mysterious!

Imagine if it were your house and you came HOME to it! EEEK!!!