Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ruth's Halloween

I did her makeup. I am still waiting to see Sparky's work. :)
Ruth helped me in making the costume.

Ruth went to a a Halloween Party, where she could have filled her bag, stuffed full, with treats of the candy nature. She said "No thank you. I am going trick or treating, and I don't need that much."

How sweet, right.

Wait, it gets better!

After we pick up Brian from his spot, we head over to Lexi's neighborhood. The first house we went to, of course, was Lexi's. Her mom was sitting on the porch, and sadly told us that John, her husband, was on a candy run. They had run out. Three kids came up behind us, and as she told them to come back and she would give them handfuls of candy,

Ruth reached into her bag, and gave out what was in there.

Proud Mama Moment!

Here she is "cleaning herself." :)


Beth said...

she is SO DARN CUTE! You must have been very proud of her generosity, we were all arguing over who gets the left over peanut butter cups at our house! LOL!

Christie said...

This costume is really neat- and well done on the details with the face paint! It's very sweet that Ruth was able to share her candy, that's definitely a moment to be proud of! :)

Kathy said...

No candy at our house. No kids to dress up. No trick or treaters at the end of a dark driveway. Halloween is no longer a holiday at the McCullough's. I kinda miss it. The excitement. The mystery. The spookiness. I don't know exactly how time passed so quickly. I miss the brides and blue crayons. The spies and knights.

What a blessing to have a kitty to cart around. Particularly one who is so thoughtful. Thanks for the photos. And the reminder of happy times gone by.

Maybe next year I will dress up and find someplace to hand out candy! Maybe I will have a Halloween party! Okay, maybe not.....but I'm definitely going to buy peanut butter cups!

Jenn said...

She is so cute!!!!! well mannered too, great costume!!