Sunday, December 16, 2007

Big Kitties 2

so, today i went out on a hike in the state forest, cutting through my grandpa's property to get there. i was on a trail going around a hill, when i came upon some ledges. i got the sudden feeling that i shouldn't be where i was, but decided to stay anyways. i walked up around the ledges to see if i could find any tracks, a coyote den, anything. when i came down, i walked back down the trail to where i left it so that my tracks would meet up, and i would know where i was if i were to get turned around and find my tracks. When i did this, i heard the same noise i heard the last time and, hopped down to look at some other ledges. A few minutes late, i looked up in the general direction that i had heard the noise to be sure nothing was coming, when, a good distance away, the Mountain lion crossed a small clearing in the trees. At this point, i decided that was enough and continued down the trail and around the hill back to the house. Needless to say, if i hike in this area again, i will carry more than just a knife on me, and not hike alone.


Kathy said...

That is SO COOL!! Even if it was a bit scary! Thanks for sharing your kitty stories with us!

Jenn said...

You should be carry a big rifle no matter WHERE you are....cities especially....I wish I could see a lion cat in real life. But I Would definatly need some Depends.