Monday, December 24, 2007


I haven't posted in a while....because there hasn't been much going on. I donated blood last week....I saved THREE lives doing so...makes me feel oh so good. Here's a picture of my battle wounds afterwards.
I lost a whole pound of blood....but gained it back. lol.'s some pictures of friday night when Aunt Kathy, Karen, Grandma, and Kyle came over to bake cookies and eat pizza! Thats all.... Merry Christmas EvE to everyone!


DJ said...

That sounds fun!
good job on the giving blood part!
did you pass out?
I haven't yet. I've done it a couple times and nothing... everybody else seemd to get the lightheadedness but not me!
hopefully you didn't get it.

Poopsie said...

Well, I guess you got past your anemia!
Good for you to join the ranks of fellow family members that give blood.
I haven't been able to in years. I think it is a wonderful way to help others, but becuase of my medications, they won't allow me any more. :(
Congratulations on a job well done!

Beth said...

Don't feel bad Cindy, I am a blood donor reject too! I need to get more iron in my diet, apparently. :)

Jenn said...

No, I didn't pass out, thankfully. lol. I thought I would. and then some old lady yelled at me afterwards because I was really pale I guess, and I wouldn't eat any of her chili lol