Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's all coming together! :)

Hey all! As was mentioned in a previous post, I had a lovely visit last weekend with some ladies from the north. Mom said Jenn might share some photos, but I guess I'll go first. :)

We found Kyle's tuxedo- perfect with pretty pink vest and tie. He will look just divine. (wink wink)

The worst fake baby belly ever. Haha. :)
Pretty MOH and BMs. Wedding talk for maid of honor and bridemaids. Haha. :)

I miss everyone and I hope you all are doing fabulously! XOXO, Christie


Poopsie said...

Beautiful choices, except the fake belly. That was intersting... I am curious, why was Jenn wearing it? I thought it was for Sam. Is there something I should know? LOL

We can't tell if the tux for Kyle is for real or not. I think he would look good in anything, he has his own good looks to stand on. But, somehow I don't see him in pink.

It's all going to be beautiful, Christie.

Christie said...

The fake belly was awful. It was seriously just a pillow with a belt. Haha. Jenn just thought she'd try it on- but it's just Sam who really needed it! :)

The story behind the pink tux is that Kyle called me last week to make sure that he wasn't going to have to wear anything stupid like pink. We saw this and thought we should put it up on the blog for him. It's a joke- although I wish I was a good enough faker to make him think it wasn't!

Thank you. I can't wait to see it ALL come together!