Thursday, February 28, 2008

news from the warfront

well i just got a email. it said that i will be going to norfolk onboard DDG-94 the Nitze. if i actually get those orders, i will be going to another school for a more advanced 5 inch gun........ Just figured You all would like to know


Poopsie said...

Hey, there are a lot of questions left unanswered...

1) Does this mean Middle East placement? You mentioned that Norfolk meant Iraq or Afghanistan in Decemebr, is that still the case?

2) When the --- are you coming?

I know there are other questions, but these were at the top.
Love you, Ma'

Christie said...

I'm with your Mom- but mostly on the "when the --- are you coming?" Be safe on your trip home whenever it is. I can't wait to see you!

Nathan said...

no it means i will be on a ship for 2-3 more years and it will be within the next 6-7 monthes

Anonymous said...

Thank God for answered prayer!!

Love, Grama

Kathy said...

I'm with all the women!! I'm so happy that you will be on a ship. I can't wait to see you!! Love, Aunt Kathy