Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Job! Again...

Well, I had my interview yesterday and have accepted the Production Planners job at LSI. The 22 years I worked there before was always in production and Bucky was always my manager (who I love and respect). This time I will be in the office with a new manager. I had never met the guy who will be my supervisor and he seemed really nice, the manager of the dept, Gary Osgood, is someone I knew the 22 years prior and we have always gotten along well. Anyway, if I pass my physical (Jim has his doubts, LOL) and the drug screen then I will start on Monday. I will continue to work at Granite Northland part time if Doreen will have me and see how the next few months go. Actually, I got a call today to do a listing for a mobile home in Plainfield. A little out of my area of knowledge but the owner is buying a home in Canaan with his brother (i am their buyers agent) so he needs to sell his mobile home.

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