Friday, February 8, 2008

the worst 24 hours of my life

so last monday i had a huge scare. this is very graffic and in depth just so you know. i started to bleed sunday night but it wasnt really bad so mom told me not to worry. well monday morning i was in pain so i went to work and hour late. at my 9:30 break i went to the bathroom and it was alittle darker red and there were a couple blood clots. so i called moms work in a panic but she was on the other line with the doctors so i couldnt talk to her. so i started to panic even more and went to go find my lead person (denise) but she wasnt where she usually was so i asked another person if they knew where she was and she said no so i started crying and told her i was bleeding so she ran around and paged denise while i was waiting with two other people then she finally found denise and they came over. mom called and said that she was on her way to bring me to the doctors so denise waited with me and mom called debbie so she could go and see how i was doing so she waited with me to. i was so scared!!! we went to the doctors and she tryed to hear the heartbeat but couldnt find it because im to early so she sent me up for a 1:30 apointment to get an altrasound done. so at 1:30 we went and i had jenn and mom in the waiting room with me but i went in myself. the lady showed me on the big screen my baby and it was moving all around and she showed me the flicker for the heartbeat and i got a picture of it. i was so happy. i almost cryed when i saw it moving about. i went out and got mom and jenn and in the hall way i showed them the pics. i could see mom tearing up. it was the most amazing thing. i never knew how happy i really was to have this baby untill that happened then i knew that i would do anything for it!! i am so excited to become a mother i know that there will struggles but i also know that it will be worth every minute!!! i will post the pictures another time or maybe mom or jenn will but you guys will see them!! love you guys!!!!


DJ said...

wow that must've been scary.

I know i was freaking out reading it until i got to the end....

I'm glad everything is OK.

Poopsie said...

Sam, that is so scary. I remember when I thought I lost Ruth. I hadn't fully decided that I was ready for another babay until I started to bleed. I sobbed and sobbed all night long. Then Uncle Darrell and I went to the doctor's office and had the ultrsound, and I was so excited to see that she was alive and kicking.
You are right, it is hard to be a mother. You give up part of yourself to your children, and they will never know how much they truly mean to you. But, I have never regretted the decision I made 22 years ago.
There is nothing like being a mom, and you will be a great one. Look at your role model, and learn as much as you can. You are doing awesome!
Love you, and can't wait until I see the pictures,
Aunt Cindy :)