Friday, February 29, 2008

Virginia Trip

Well, as I read from other posts, it was my duty to show everyone the pictures from the Virginia trip. Unfortunatly, I didn't take nearly as many as I wanted to, but we were so busy there wasn't much time! So here are some pictures. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do! I had a fantastic time and can't wait to go there again!


Kathy said...

All these lovely photos and no comments! Hard to believe!

Poopsie said...

When Ruth and DJ saw the picture of Sam with the fake belly, they both were shocked that she was showing so much. :) I believe that DJ told me I shouldn't have worried about the maternity clothes, it was obvious she could use them. :)
I love the photo of Beht and Jenn together.
The dresses are all so beautiful. Ruth is starting to wonder about hers...

Anonymous said...

Personally, i can't wait to see the whole motley crew together! if these photos are any indication of how lovely everyone will be on August 9......wait! i think I hear russian chimes from St Petersburg calling me.....