Tuesday, March 11, 2008

ASI Fuel and Service.

So about a week ago a friend of mine came up to me in shop and said, " I got some good news for you and you need to get time on your phone." He said that he'd tell me what it was later, and did.
He was talking to his boss who said he was looking to hire someone and asked him about people in shop at school. My friend said that I was the only person that he would hire, because I know when to work, and I'm not thick headed like the others. Well yesterday, My friend ( his name is Alex) sent me a text saying that the job was mine and to give his boss a call around 5. I did so and well I am now (or really as of saturday when I fill out an application and such) an employee of ASI fuel and service. I will be making 8.50 an hour to start with monthly bonuses, and will only be working weekends until I can get my license, but it's a start.

I just figured I'd let you guys know!

hope see you soon!


Kathy said...

Congratulations!!!! You must be so excited to have a job. I hope it is successful for you. Next thing you know, you'll be the richest guy in the family--you know how plumbers make all the money! LOL! Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with this endeavor and many more in your future!!
in other words..... YIPPEE for you!!!!!!

Love, Grama

Christie said...

Congrats D! Jobs are good... well, at least having the money is. Haha! Good luck with it. I'm sure you'll be great! *Christie

Beth said...

Excellant news. With a job to start and money in your pocket, a liscence and car are only a few checks away!

Poopsie said...

I for one am ready for you to have the license and car. :)
I am proud of you, and know you will do great in your new job!