Tuesday, March 18, 2008


yeah i'm a little late, but still....

anyways. I figured I'd come and share our St. Patty's adventure. To start off, I should let you know that Erin is an Irish dancer. She was doing alot of shows yesterday, and Mom and I were going to see her at 5:30 in mystic, but it was at a retirement home, and we couldn't go. So, I talked to Erin and found out about the last show, which was at 7 in New London at a bar called Hanafin's Pub. Anyways, we got there just too late, and they had started dancing. We had to stay outside for about 10 minutes until there was a big enough break in the dances to let people out and in. Mom and I got in, and were able to watch the last few dances, and we got some video on our phones (mom sent one to the comp.) Anyways that's the story and here's the Video. I apologize for the quality, but you can't expect alot from a phone, especially when filming and a loud, packed bar. But aside from the loud, drunk people, and being stuck outside for the first couple of dances, we had fun.

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