Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Photos of tuesday and the rescue

as you all have seen before, this is the 5 inch shooting. this from NSFS on tuesday.
this is the island we were shooting at. the cloud of smoke is the explosion from the rounds we were shooting.
this is from the rescue i was talking about. this is our RHIB( Rigged Hull Inflatable Boat) along side the korean life raft.
just a picture of the ship on fire
today we shot NGFS( Naval Gun Fire Support) for qualification. most unfortunetly we didnt pass the qual. we were shooting perfectly until maybe the 28th round when the gun broke really bada

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nate: i was very interested in this. i look forward to having a chance to talk about what's happening with you in your life when i see you again.
all my prayers are with you.