Tuesday, March 11, 2008


This is just to show you that I don’t just play war games and shoot things, we also help people in need. This morning we saw a boat on fire and we went in to help the people from the Korean ship. Unfortunately I am not in any of the photos but it is nice to know that we do actually help people. Just so you know my whole role was that I visually verified that there was a fire on board the vessel and helped set up the treatment center for those who needed it. if you want to check out an article about it, you check out at http://www.navy.mil/search/list_related.asp?virin=080310-N-XXXXF-002.jpg or http://www.navy.mil/search/list_related.asp?virin=080310-N-9123L-006.jpg. there will be pictures to come.


Christie said...

Well done Nate! It's always nice to see something you are involved in, especially when it's something you feel proud of! Stay safe! We can't wait to have you back over here.

Love, Christie

Kathy said...

Hey Nate, thank you so much for sharing more of what you do. Those fishermen must have been so relieved to see you all. We are proud of the work that you do and always pray that you stay safe in it. Love, Aunt Kathy

Poopsie said...

I told you in my email, I am so proud of you and the work you do.
Love, Mom