Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

I really had a great birthday. We found out our actual closing date (I hope) for the condo, which we've been waiting and waiting for. It's April 22nd, and we are supposed to do our final walk through April 15th, but that will have to be moved because that's the last day of tax season- not so good for Casey. Haha. So we went out yesterday and took measurements of all the rooms so we can buy paint. It's really starting to come together- all the appliances were in the kitchen, the plastic was pulled up off the floors. One of the construction supervisors was there doing a walk through to see what needs to be touched up. So, that's pretty exciting!
Last night we went to a bar called Four Courts because some people from Casey's work were having a pre-St. Patty's day gathering there. It was BUSY! But we had a good time and one of the girls brought me some birthday gear (seen below) so I got wished "happy birthday" a lot by random people who saw my sash and blinking star necklace- I didn't wear the crown the whole night, but others wore it and got their picture takenw ith me, haha. The best part was that one of my friends from college, who I haven't seen in YEARS, came out and so we went to another bar with her and some of her friends and danced and had a great time. It was a great day that lasted into this morning! And thank you again for all your birthday wishes! I miss you and love you all lots!

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