Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Flowers for Mom

(These are really in my yard.)

And any one else that is missing a bit of spring. :)
Johnny jump-ups that I planted on Saturday in my flower garden.
I love their little faces; they remind me of Mammie,
and also living on Prospect Street. I would get so mad
when the ones in the sidewalk would get mowed over.
Dad would tell me they were weeds,
and I would insist they were not.
What I know now is that the mowing "dead headed" them,
and that is why they kept coming back. :)
Our lilacs are budding out. I know you cannot see it very
well in this photo, but there is a flower in progress in this bud.
It was a surprise for us, as we thought we would have
a few more years before the shoots
Scott gave us would flower.

And what is spring with out the first dandelion?
Ruth pulled each bloom up in fear of her dad
mowing over the "weeds"....
Sound familiar? :)

Happy spring everyone!


Kathy said...

To think I was proud of my lone crocus amongst the snow! This is a great post--full of hope! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks "Pooper"!
What a wonderful sight!!! I do so love Daffodils :)
Love ya!