Friday, April 18, 2008


Hey everyone! I don't really have anything to post, but since mother was so insistent, I figured I would put something. I just got a new camera, so I will be taking lots of pictures and will post more frequently with life-y things. As for now, I am nearing the end of my college career very quickly, which is exciting and scary and sad and happy all at the same time. I have one week of classes left and then finals and then I graduate May 10! AAAHHHH!!! I kind of can't wait, but I've also been getting a lot closer to my friends and leaving them will be hard, but thankfully I think most of us will be around the same area so hopefully I will still be able to see a lot of them. Anyway, mumsy wanted me to post pictures from last weekend so I will, even though it seems she has already shared them with most everyone. I went to Shenandoah National Park with of the boy kind. Well, anyway, it was beautiful out and the views were amazing. So here are a few pictures.ooh pretty!

me being intrepid

me and robert

So that is my most recent adventure and I shall post more as I have more. There is lots going on as it is the end of the year and there are department parties and pretty weather and things like that. Anyhoo, I love you all and hope that you are doing well and that I will see more about everyone on the bloggy poo. LOVE LOVE!


Poopsie said...

These are fantastic photos. If you mom was sharing, I was not in the loop. :) (distnace stinks sometimes.)

I understand what you are saying about graduation. I know I have not had the same experiacne as you, but I recognize the feelings you shared, "exciting and scary and sad and happy all at the same time". I have 10 weeks to go, and voila' I will be done with this phase of my life. For now anyway. :)
I hope you post more photos. Your mom is not hte only that is apt to show off. I show new stuff tot he girls at work. The foster grandma especially.
Keep posting, Sparky!
Love ya,
Aunt Cindy :)

Kathy said...

I only shared a little. I was so excited that Karen got to go to the Shenandoah Valley. I know how she has longed to see the sites and view the open sky......okay. I was actually more interested in gossiping about her um.....friend of the boy kind......

Thanks for posting Karen! The photos are lovely. So are you!

Cindy B.-- 10 more weeks?? Then you too will sport the fancy paper? Very exciting!