Thursday, April 24, 2008

The test : part one

So today I went to the DMV with mom to take the written part of my driving test... and guess what.. I PASSED. anyways I will be going back on may 6 at 8 AM to take the driving portion. fun fun. let's all hope I pass.
so that's that.. thought I'd tell you guys. anyways I should have my license by the next time i'm up. yay!


Christie said...

Congrats D! And good luck on the driving part! I'm sure you'll do fine! *Christie*

Kathy said...

EEEK!!! Driving???! What freedom! Good job to pass that nasty test. Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

OH MY WORD!!!! Your POOR mother!!!
Good Job, D.

Jenn said...

YAY!! Maybe now someone can cart ME around for once!! haha Good luck DJ!