Saturday, May 17, 2008

hi all

first off im sorry for not posting, but oh well i dont have the internet at home but i can check out things at a friend of mines house. well mi have been busy with work and other projects. second off, i would like to congradulate karen for graduating college with honors good for you thats better than i could do, and also to nathan im very glad that you FINALLY got your orders and that it was approved for you to go to norfolk thats awsome! sam and nates new place is very nice for them. dj good for you on everything as well as jenn. i guess i need to do something fantastic too brag about but im just the way i am dont stop loving me for it. i will hopefully see all of you at karens grad party. nathan i will see you in august. I love you all


Poopsie said...

Hi, Kyle!

WOrking and loving are enough to post about. Maybe you went to the races or saw some new scenary.
Tell us about you! There is not one of us that thinks our lives are so amazing, but we have had a few big things happen in the past few weeks. :)
I love you very much!
See you next week. Ruth and I will be at the party. DJ has work, and Brian has plans with his GIRLFRIEND. :)

Kathy said...

Hi Kyle! You have one thing that the rest don't. You are NUMBER ONE! You are first of the next generation! The head honcho! You are the most caring, thoughtful grandson and nephew. You never miss a party and you always have a smile. Those things matter more than any other worldly accomplishment. We love you! Aunt Kathy

Christie said...

What Mom is trying to say is that you are old. Older than the rest of us. Haha! :) I can't wait to see you (and everyone) at Karen's party!


DJ said...

HA!! you got called old!!



anyways it's ok that you're boring... we'll live with it..

just kidding. It's good to hear from you.