Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Brian!

17 years ago today,
Brian came into our lives.

We haven't been the same since. :)

Surprisingly, I found this written in his baby book:

Uncle John Rautio watched Nathan and DJ while Daddy brought us home. Daddy almost made Nathan cry when he told him that "we gave him to the doctors". He found the baby very fast. DJ was also happy to have us home, but didn't want Nate near Brian. I was very tired and not much company to the family who came by. He threw up all over Grandma Ruth. Grandpa seemed to enjoy holding him for awhile. Here is a clue I should have picked up on: First night's sleep was only 1 1/2 hours, before daylight.

Today, Brian lights up the house with laughter and he makes us think about stuff in a way that is out of the box. Brian has become the mediator, seeing things from both sides of the coin, unless of course he is in the argument. :) The animals in his life are important to him, you should hear him whistle to Sam before he is even in the yard. Then each of the cats is greeted before Mom, who might even be right in the doorway to say "Hello". Music has a place in Brian's life: he scribbles lyrics in his books, and I think on the walls of his room. AH, Brian, just remember...

We love you!


Christie said...

Happy Birthday Brian! Hope you have an awesome day and that the time before your next birthday is as good as (or better than) time already gone by.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Brian,

Shhhhhhhhh,the phone is's Grama to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRIAN!!!!"