Tuesday, June 10, 2008


well it finally happened. i got my leavechit back and it was............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ aprooved. will be coming home sometime between july 14th and july 21st and leave aug 11th


Poopsie said...

Yah, Baby!
Email me the itinerary.
Kathy, I may need help getting to New York. I have never beent her before!

Christie said...

YAY NATE! That's great! Hopefully we'll see you at the wedding then! :)

Anonymous said...

awesome!! great!!!!

Kathy said...

This is such happy news!! We can't wait to see you Nate! Don't forget your dress uniform!! I'm absolutely thrilled. You have no idea how much it will mean to me to have you escort me at Christie's wedding. Quick, I need a tissue! Love, Aunt Kathy