Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Honorary Nuts

Nana and Aunt Betty Bliven.
Though they are not Southworths,
these two woman have touched our lives forever.
Growing up, there was always a fancy Aunt Betty cake for special occasions. I remember sitting on a stool in her pantry eating saltines from a can. The room where I played with blocks smelled like the fresh baked cakes that were in various stages on tables everywhere. Hey, she even taught me how to play rummy so I wouldn't feel left out from the group. We used my teeny tiny Raggedy Ann cards. I felt so grown up. :)
Nana may be from the "other branch of the tree", but I know where she stands in my heart. Right along with the rest of you nuts. Need I say more?


Anonymous said...

Cindy this picture made me cry...
i had almost forgotten how much these two ladies mean to me and how many memories i have of them locked in my heart. thank you from the bottom of that teary heart.
love, Mom

Kathy said...

Hey Cindy! This is US in about 40 years! I hope that our family will have as many fond memories of us as we have of them. Aunt Betty taught me to stand tall and to speak clearly. I have memories of getting my hair done on curlers, sitting on the stool in the center of her kitchen; it always smelled of warm cake at her house. Nana taught me how to properly make a bed and how dessert is essential after every meal. It doesn't have to be much! Just a cookie would suffice. I also think I get my slightly risque sense of humor from the Crosses! I love that the two of them are still with us. It gives me hope for many more years with my own beloved sisters!