Sunday, June 15, 2008


Congratulations Jenn! You made it! And with your new toy, you can post what's next with no problem!

Happy Belated Birthday Brian! I hope 17 is a good number for you. 18 will be an eye opener for sure!

DJ, what a week you will have! See you on Friday night!

Cindy, I hope you survived your last days of college with blazing colors. I'm proud of you.

We have all been crazy busy lately, haven't we??

More to come........

(here's a hint)


Poopsie said...

Thank you for the pictures! I have been wanting to see Jenn in her graduation get up. :) I am so proud of you, Jenn!
~What is the new toy that is being referenced?~

I have two days left, then I will be degreed as well. Just my psychology paper to do. :)

Oh, Sam, you are so cute!

Christie said...

I have a feeling Jenn got a laptop for a graduation gift? Am I right? Am I right? :)

Sam is looking pretty cute- especially in that dress, I really like it! Too bad it's probably a maternity dress, so we can't share. Haha!

Love love to everyone!