Saturday, July 26, 2008

From Nate

Seeing how I cannot post underway here is what I would like posted,

Four movies I can watch over and over:

· star wars episode 3
· pirates 1,2, and 3
· transformers
· iron man

Four TV shows I love: I don’t really watch tv but

The simpsons
Family guy
American Dad

Four places I’ve visited:

I don’t think it really counts but Australia

Four of my favorite dishes:

1- grama’s spaghetti
2- steak
3- beef bowl(Japanese)
4- chicken nuggets

Four Books I enjoy:
*eragon series
*star wars books
* Any tom Clancy book
* enders game

Four places I would rather be right now:

1 San Diego
2 home
3 australia
4 philippenes

Four quirks I have:

1 I chew the inside of my cheek.
2I smoke a lot when I am really angry
3I get goofy or shy when talking to non family females
4I talk a lot when I am excited

And just when you thought you would never see a navy ship strike the jolly roger, guess again. We did it as we crossed the equator while doing sailor things.

GM3 Phillips

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