Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm in! Me! Me!

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Dirty Dancing
2. 50 First Dates
3. Under the Tuscan Sun
4. Grease

Four TV shows I love:
Honestly, I don't love TV, but some shows I en joy are...
1. How Clean is Your House?
2. Bridezillas (my jaw drops every time I see it because I just can't imagine being that way! And I'm sure you all appreciate that, haha!)
3. Friends (okay, I actually do love this one... no matter how many times I've seen each episode)
4. What Not To Wear

Four places I’ve visited:
1. England
2. Scotland
3. Florida
4. Tennessee

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Homemade mac and cheese
2. Chicken ala Kenni
3. I know it's not a dish, but Meme's sweet Christmastime rolls... okay, maybe for me it could be a whole meal!
4. Grama's sghetti... enjoyed best surrounded by family!

Four Books I enjoy:
1. Anything written by Ian Rankin
2. Also pretty much anything written by James Patterson
3. This Present Darkness - it was AMAZING
4. Um, I love reading, so why is it so hard to choose a fourth?!?

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Definitely VERMONT
2. At the condo (rather than at work)... at the pool would be really great!
3. Anywhere with my family or my friends or both
4. Travelling across Rannoch Moor on the train with my new camera I got yesterday!

Four quirks I have:
1. I lock the door at night when we are watching TV or a movie. If we start watching a movie, I compulsively get up and lock the door.
2. I also compulsively put my hair up before I eat, especially when at a restaurant.
3. I'd rather listen to a song on the radio I don't like than listen to commercials or the DJ talking.
4. I do not use abbreviations or leave out punctuation when I text and/or use instant messaging.

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