Friday, July 25, 2008

A Little Fun and Miss Our Lady of Victory

It just so happened that this morning while searching for another photo, I found this photo of Miss Our Lady of Victory 1976. What a little princess!

I love Cindy's idea for the group "meme" so here's my contribution:

Four movies I can watch over and over:
Far and Away
The Princess Bride
The King and I--well, the dance scene--my favorite scene in any movie EVER

Four TV shows I love:
What Not to Wear
Barefoot Contessa
Whose Wedding is It Anyway? (yes, I know--it's not mine)
Weirdly, PTI--Pardon the Interruption is a sports talk show on ESPN. I have no idea why I enjoy it so much. I think it's the verbal sparring. I really don't love sports so it's weird that I like this show. Don't tell Mike.

Four places I’ve visited:
Virginia--a zillion times. And maybe a zillion more times. Anyone ready for a road trip?
The Grand Canyon
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Four of my favorite dishes:
A really good bacon cheeseburger and french fries
Nana's meatloaf
Macaroni and Cheese--homemade--none of that boxed crap
Grama's famous sketti. Anytime.

Four Books I enjoy:
The Artist Way by Julia Cameron
Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Vintage Vavoom by Romantic Homes Magazine (LOVE this one!)
Yes, The Bible--oh, the intrigue, the mystery, the love stories, the adventure!

Four places I would rather be right now:
HOME! (I'm at work)
At Christie's--badgering her to pack something NICE for her honeymoon. Of course, maybe she won't need will be her HONEYMOON! Hey--Chris--you need more than one bathing suit. And a nice dress.
Under a tree, reading a book, preferably with something cold to drink
Anywhere with my sisters

Four quirks I have:
Huh. I have no quirks. Which, if I believe that, is a quirk. Okay. Fine:
I don't care if the house is falling in, the bathroom towels have to be perfectly folded.
I shouldn't eat Pop Tarts, but when I do, they need to be almost burned to be eaten.
I can't wear brown shoes when I'm carrying a black purse. If I do, it's really painful and embarrassing for me. Same for black belt and brown shoes. Those two colors shouldn't be worn together as accessories. I don't care if they are both neutrals!
I know there are more. But I'm done for now!

Cindy--where's your contribution??

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