Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hi everyone

First off i want toask why doesnt anyone tell me about things that are going on like Nathan haveing a girlfriend and bringing her home congrats Nate i hope you are very happy which im sure you are. Second off why isnt there any pictures of Christie and Caseys wedding on here? Congadulations again Mr. And Mrs. Knudson i wish you the best of luck and a life time of happiness. Happy birthday Grandma i hope you had a great time i love you. Well as for me nothing new same story differant page i will talk to all of you soon. love kyle


Jenn said...

The reason why no one ever tells you these things is because we have the blog to share this stuff!!! haha. Maybe you should check it a bit more often, and post about your life, like --ahem-- almost losing your finger!!!

Nathan said...

ooooooo......losing a finger.....i almost lost a hand and i think everyone knew that, well i almost lost use of my left hand

Prophet said...

I also have an inquery. How do you add this blog? lol
I have an account, and I guess my own blog area thingy but I can't see how to add this one so I can post blogs here. This is Brian, by the way.

Christie said...

Hey Brian, just send me (Christie) your e-mail address and I'll invite you/give you permissions to post. Glad you are going to join in!