Friday, August 22, 2008

Three years

So, It takes me a freaking year to post on the blog because in most cases I'll comment or try to write a blog and it won't let me publish it for whatever reason. Anywho, I don't know who knew and who didn't but last saturday was my three years clean. It was a kind of good day, I had to work most of it, and I felt like crying most if it. Not because I was unhappy, but because sometimes its hard for me to grasp onto the fact that I have been clean for that long. My manager jon kept saying stupid things like lets celebrate by getting a drink or whatever, which was annoying. I was also quite sad because when I hit my year marks the only place I want to be is surrounded by my family and people I love the most, but mom and dad were on a cute vacation in maine so I had to let it go.! haha. My friend Ashley who is also in recovery with me came in to work with her three year old twin brother and sister, and they made me little cupcakes and brought them too me. It was so nice and made me super happy.

After I got out of work, sam and josh brought me to olive garden to celebrate. it was funny because josh isn't good at trying to surprise someone, and so it was funny watching him and sam secretly talking to each other in the store and through text. But I had alot of fun with them and it was a good day in the end.

So I never said anything special to anyone, because I get a bit shy I suppose (and I'd probably cry) lol. But I did want to say real quick to mom and dad THANK YOU!!!!!! because if I didn't have you two as parents, I wouldn't have survived. I lost alot of friendships with alot of people when I was using, you two included, and I'm glad that I have them back. Mom, you are my best friend, and I'm so grateful that I have you there to talk to about anything (and sometimes things you probably could live without hearing) and Dad has always been the best shoulder to cry on, even if he isn't much into talking about the personal things, sometimes just being there physically was enough for me!

And Sam ba lam.....I couldn't ask for a better sister! I know we did alot of bad things together, but I'm glad you were there to support me when I decided to get clean, because it felt like all my other friends up and left. When Iwas clean and you were lost in the world of drugs and alchohol, I prayed that you would gather the strength to say enough, and sure enough you did! I'm glad that I have you there to talk to about some of the difficulties of doing what so few kids our age do. You are a much better person with out the alchohol.! =)

To everyone else- thanks a million! I still remember sitting in Aunt Kathys bedroom with Grandma, and having "that talk" with her about how difficult it is to make the decision to give up drugs. That was the first time I really realized how much Iwas hurting my family, and without that talk gramma, I probably wouldn't have gotten clean when I did. Everyone else in the family has been a great support system for me, and Thank you for being patient and praying for me and giving me the best advice when I needed it.

Soo....there. phew! haha I'm pretty much just trying to say that I love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Jenn, I am so PROUD of you I think my pants will fall down!!! It's because I am so Filled up with the good things i feel about that.

I am so glad i took the chance to talk to you when i did. i have never forgotten it either. You have no idea of the people you have inspired and encouraged, just by your example.

i am very proud of all my grandchildren but those who have made tough decisions to turn bad stuff into a good life sure have my prayers and my continued support. all of are in my prayers and I hope that you all know I am always here for you.

Love & Prayers,

Kathy said...

Dear Jenn, I didn't forget. I remembered too late! You have come such a long way in three years! I'm inspired by your courage and your determination. I'm inspired by your self-expression even though I don't always "get it". I think you are beautiful and amazing and I think it is a testament to your good health that your dear parents felt they could be away on that day. Your example helped save your sister's life. Proud isn't strong enough a word to express how we feel.(though I do hope Grama's pants stay put where they belong!!) Love, Aunt Kathy

Poopsie said...

Hey, I may not be right in there with everyone else dropping their drawers, but I am very proud of you! (Mom, please keep them up!)

I admire your ability to say "I am worth it." and to not let other people's opinions about you (Like those lame "friends" you once had) change who you are.

You, my dear, are a blessing to us. A breathe of fresh air and such a caring soul. I am glad that Sam and josh were able to "surprise" you. You deserve that and much more.

Aunt Cindy :)