Saturday, August 16, 2008

Possibly a new Member to the family

well this is a wierd thing to do..............ummmm..............well i might be bringing a *cough*fiance*cough* when i come home next time. her name is Colen Mae, or just Mae will work for her. i have been seeing her for a while, i just recently asked her if she wanted to.....ummm.... get that hurts......never thought i would be saying that... and for the old people that remember the name Mae, i asked her if we could call her that for that reason and she said she would be honored. i tolm mom that and she emailed back saying it brought tears to her eyes.


Kathy said...

Wow. Us old people are happy for you! Your mom told us that you might be bringing home a girl when you came. I'm looking forward to meeting Mae. I hope we don't scare her away!! (smile) See you very soon! Love, Aunt Kathy

DJ said...

hey! some of us young people remember too!!!!

way to steal the spotlight from the ones that just got .....cough hitched....
good for you bro

Nathan said...

just think i could hook you up with a nice filipina dj............she has some really cute sisters and friends

DJ said...

no im fine with my irish girl.... she's better than any filipina you could find for me