Thursday, August 7, 2008

sams lists

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. the orphanage
2. wild hogs
3. pirates 1 2 3 (well any jonny depp and i know hes not in it but heath ledger movies)
4. dirty dancing
Four TV shows I love:
i dont have cable so its hard but i do have a couple i like to watch at my parents
1. INTERVENTION (some shows are hard to watch cuz it reminds me of how i use to be the alcohol ones are the hardest!!!)
2. CSI
3. that 70's show
4. um i guess what ever else is on that looks like it would be entertaining
Four places I’ve visited:
1. Virgina
2. Niagra Falls
3. Woodstock, NY (one thing i can say good bout justin is that we did travel to some really cool places)
4. Burlington, VT
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. mac and cheese (home cooked or in the box)
2. spagetti (grandmas sauce)
3. mexican chicken
4. nanas meatloaf
Four Books I enjoy:
ok this one is hard because i dont read at all but i can say that in jail i read a Norah Roberts book and i really liked it.
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. with my family
2. with nate (hes working)
3. right now i would have to say work because i have been sitting around doing nothing and its driving me crazy and i miss all the people i work with!1
4. the beach
Four quirks I have:
1. the volume controls have to be on every 5th number
2. my sandals have to match my outfit
3. i have to have atleast eyeliner on if i am leaving the house
4. this one is quite hard... i chew my nails but i dont bite them its hard to explain cuz i dont like when people bite their nails but i chew them when i get nervous or upset

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