Saturday, August 9, 2008


just want to say congrats to chiristie. sorry i couldn't be there. really wanted to though. oh well so far on my little cruise i have hit some interesting ports, to include guam(lots of fun), tonga(not so much fun, still had a good time eating at a reception by the king of tonga), and now new caldonia, part of the french territory. soon i will be going to australia, and hopfully afterward i will be flying out on the first of september(happy b-day to me!!!!!!).


Kathy said...

We missed you Nate! I hope you are enjoying the experience of seeing so many new places and that you get home safely very soon!! Love, Kathy

Poopsie said...

I know I missed you!

Did you get photos of Guam and Tonga? I have never heard of Tonga. Google will be busy for sure. :) I will have to look up New Caldonia too. :)
Tell more about the reception. It is so cool that you all were hanging with the king. :)

Jenn said...

you met a king?! is he single, maybe looking for a blonde beauty? haha just kidding. I miss yo0u very much nathan, and I cant wait to see you again, and its cool to hear about your travels.