Monday, August 18, 2008


just a quick update, after looking at the paper work, i think maybe gonna be this time next year as well.........i have to wait until i get to my next command, submit paper work asking to get married, have her come here on a fiance visa, get all the bloodwork done, get her interviewed with INS, have a backround check done on her( cause i hold a secret clearance(which lets me go to spaces on the ship that others cannot go))then after all of that i will have so many(meaning i have a short amountof) days to marry her. sheesh.........i hate paperwork.


Poopsie said...

Gosh, what did you do SIGN your life away to the government or something?

Let me get this striaght...

Mae will visit here this fall to meet the family. She will go home until you submit more papers for the ship. Then she will come back, jump through hoops, and then maybe the Navy will let you marry her within days of their approval.

Good luck! Let me know how I can help. :)

Nathan said...

that is pretty much it.........damn....and i really do hate paperwork. atleast next command is willing to help me...i didnt get help here and asked my sponser, and he sent me the info needed

Kathy said...

Nothing in life is easy--especially when it comes to immigration laws and the military! It will work out. Do your best to be patient. It will be quite a process but in the end, you will have your Mae with you. We are excited to meet her! Love, Aunt Kathy