Tuesday, August 19, 2008


ok for you scary folk(aunt kathy).......just kidding. As i have stated in earlier posts, i am planing on bringing Mae home with me. she is really nervous. i just request that you make her feel at home. thats all folks.......for now


Kathy said...

Dear Mae,
We are very excited to meet you. We tease Nathan because we love him. I know it will be difficult to come to the United States to meet Nathan's family. We promise that you will be welcome. There are many women in the family who will try to make it easier for you when you arrive. My sister (Nathan's mother) is nervous too! She wants you to like her as much as you want her to like you. It will be fine. We are a family that loves each other and we look forward to your arrival. Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Nathan James!

When have we ever not done our very best to make someone feel at home, welcomed and accepted? i for one, am looking forward to this girl who has your heart and i am determined to love her as if she were born to us, because she loves you.

as for her name, i would prefer to call her Colen. Mae and the reason for your calling her that seem way too personal and intimate for me to use it as well. Something as special as that belongs between the two of you. it loses something when everyone uses it as well.

I am very happy for you and for Colen and will be praying that all goes as smoothly as possible and that your life together will be rich with blessings and long in love.

Love & God's Peace,

Jenn said...

Nathan, lets just think about all the people us grandkids have brought into the family, and in my case, it was ME who scared them away, not the family, and in most cases (like josh who you haven't met yet but hes a wonderful character) they like the family more than me!! haha maybe not more than me, but I havent (or sam) brought someone to meet the family that has been scared away (well other than the time aunt kathy sent a picture of her cleavage to someone, but lets hope that was a one time thing!) I hope she loves us, and I know we will love her, congrats nate!!!