Monday, September 29, 2008

The Boneyard

HEY Y'ALL! It's me with the post I promised a long time ago with pictures of my housey house in Philly. For whatever reason, we named it the Boneyard. Maybe because it's white...maybe sort of like the elephant grave yard in the Lion King. Not sure. Anyway, here it is. It's a bit messy right now, but since I don't have a job, most of my time is spent keeping the house picked up. It's hard, though when I'm basically the only one who does it. So it gets messy pretty quickly. ANYWHO...

Here is the living room. It's hard to get a full picture of it, but it's a pretty good size and we actually have decent furniture, which is nice. And there is a big window behind the brown couch.

Walking back into the house from the living room, there is the dining room. We rarely eat here, but we use it for other things. The opening you can kind of see in the back looks into the kitchen.
And here is the kitchen. Probably the busiest place in the house. It's pretty much a full time job keeping the kitchen clean. We eat A LOT. And often it seems. We have made many delicious things like chili, chicken tacos and last night Emily made tuna casserole, which was tasty. And here is my teensy weensy bedroom. I guess I could have cleaned up before I took a picture, but oh well. As you can see, it's tiny and messy right now, but I don't spend much time there because it's basically a closet. I like it though, I don't need a lot of space.

Overall, life is pretty much awesome. I still don't have a job as I mentioned, but I am working on it and in the meantime, I'm just having fun and making the most of everything. Here is a picture of the people I live with
From left to right: Dan, Kyle, Nik, Emily.
Nik is Emily's boyfriend and lives in New York. I went to school with Kyle and Emily and Dan is Kyle's friend from Ireland. This picture was taken this weekend at Pat's Steaks, which is a famous cheesesteak place in South Philly. Across the street is Geno's which is Pat's rival. We all get along really well and have a good time together, so it's been pretty great.

Anyway, that's basically my life. It could be much worse. I miss everyone and hope you all are doing well. Let's get a move on and start posting more, eh? Love ya byeeeeeeeeeeee.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

What a wonderful home Karen! I'll be jobless too next week so we're in the same boat, and it sucks but we just have to have fun! Thanks for posting, talk to you soon!