Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sigur Ros show

So Josh and Iwent to Boston last friday to see Sigur Ros live at the Bank of America Pavillion. We also went to the Aquarium which isn't as cool as it was when I was ten but we still got to take pictures with a giant penguin =) the picture of us with the yellow glasses on is when we went to the IMAX theater to see sharks 3D (I couldn't help but think of Christie!) and then Deep Sea in 3D. Deep sea was way better than sharks, but we had time to kill so we decided to go to two movies. Although we didn't eat at the barking crab, I couldn't help but take a picture of their sign and slogan which I thought all of us "nuts" would enjoy. I only got to post one picture of Sigur Ros because it wouldn't let me upload anymore pictures, and not many of the pictures I took came out that great anyways. Our seats ended up being way far away so the people onstage looked like they were three inches tall, so during the intermission between the opening band and Sigur Ros, we walked on the side of the tent and decided to stand the whole show (which I wasn't thrilled about) but we ended up being like thirty feet away from them, and had a blast even though I couldn't feel my feet. I did record a couple of their songs, and I don't know how to post it but I'll try. Ok I just tried, hopefully it will work=) Anyways, next family gathering I'll bring my computer so those who are interested can watch the videos I took!!!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Go Jenn! Thank you for posting! We've been a pretty relaxed bunch about it lately but I'm sure there's many of us who look with hope every day that there is something new to see. I'll be posting as soon as I get a life. Who wants to see me vacuuming or making dinner?

Your trip to Boston sounds like fun. The aquarium always gave me a headache. I think it was motion sickness or as Uncle Mike suggested, the SMELL.

Cute photos. Glad you had fun! Love, Aunt Kathy