Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Greetings from Sunny Philadelphia!

Hello everyone! So, it has been an eternity since I posted on this thing, but finally something interesting has happened, so here I am again! As most of you probably know, I moved to Philadelphia recently. Last Friday to be exact. It's pretty great so far, but I still don't have a job. I do have a place to live though and two great people I'm living with--Kyle and Emily. Kyle's friend Dan is coming from Ireland to live with us until January and then Kyle's friend Kristen is moving in. I haven't met Dan but I love everyone else and I'm sure he's great if he's Kyle's friend. So far we've just been having a lot of fun since Kyle and I don't have jobs and Emily just started her's yesterday. It's been awesome just hanging out and checking out the city and everything there is to do around our neighborhood. Unfortunately, we have to start being more careful with our money now, but we thought we could go all out for our first weekend, and we'll still have fun, but we'll have to be a little less frivolous. There is so much to do here and I hope a lot of you will be able to come down and visit and check it out. I haven't uploaded any pictures to my computer yet, but I will post some of my house and stuff later so you can see where I live. I've driven past it a million times, because it's right next to I-95. I never could have known I would be living there one day. Anyway, I'll keep posting as more develops (like if/when I get a job and neat stuff like that). Hope all is well with everyone else. Oh and here is my address:

109 West Allen St.
Philadelphia, PA 19123



Christie said...

Post those pictures quick, missy! I want to see where you be living at! :) And hopefully I'll get to be one of the first to visit... especially seeing as I live the closest!

Poopsie said...

I am with Christie, get those pictures up quick! I love see what is going on in your life. :)
I wonder if I will ever get to visit. Look how long Christie has been in VA, and I have yet to go there. ALthough, when Nate eve gets around to living on the East Coast, I will be traveling south. Phillie might just be a great "pit stop". :)
Aunt CIndy