Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Blog revival?!

Well, the Phillips family is certainly doing their part, and Jenn threw a little something in the mix, so I thought I'd post too. I have a feeling a lot of people have been reading, but haven't had the time to post.

There isn't a whole lot going in my neck of the woods. Casey is gearing up for finals in his to master's classes, so when he's not at work, he's studying or writing papers or complaining about the latter two things. He's done really well so far in his classes and we hope he continues to do well. Even though he's already complaining about school, once it's over it will be totally worth it... unfortunately it won't be over for like two more years. Ugh. It's going to be even worse in spring when he's working like 12 hours a day for tax season plus two classes a week- one of which is on a Saturday. I do not envy him, but I'll remain supportive... I can't wait for it to be over so I can move closer to all of you!

Work has been dreadfully slow for me, but I still really enjoy where I work. The people here definitely make up for the fact that this job is boring and less than stimulating for me. I'm hoping to supplement my boring days with creative projects- one of my friends told me I need another wedding to plan. Hmm, can someone help me out with that? :)

I cannot wait to see those of you that will be at Thanksgiving and I'll be missing those who won't be there! Let's hope these last few posts from everyone start a blog revival so we can know better what's going on in the world of the nuts!

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