Monday, November 24, 2008

Sorry It's Been A While

I've just had a lot going on, and it isn't very good. First off, Anji broke up with me, has a new boyfriend, and, after a recent arguement, never wants to talk to me again. The thing we argued about is how I have a new girlfriend even though I was upset about her and her boyfriend a few days ago. But, I tried to help them out and all that.. But, you don't really want to hear about this, and I don't really want to talk about it until she starts talking to me again.. Soooo, Kitty Harbor was interesting today. A cat had to go to the vet to get it's shots and everything, but the wrong cat was sent. The cat'll be fine, appearently, but the one that was supposed to go will need a new appointment.
School is going well. I just got my last test back from Psychology, and I got a 100, so I might be running into a few hundred bucks soon(:P)
I have decided on the college I want to go to. It's a close one, QVCC. It has a bunch of classes I want to take, and I already picked them out. Really, it's just business, philosophy, and political classes.
Oh, and I decided on the job I want, too, in order to pay for the businesses and the music. I've been thinking about *Drum roll*(This is gonna shock you.. And if it doesn't, it should lol) being a cop. It pays well when you're not getting shot at. The only problem is the whole part where I need to start working out again. But, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Other than all that, my life is pretty much the same as always. So, I'll post again when stuff changes.


Christie said...

A police officer?!?! Yes Brian, I am definitely surprised. But the pay is pretty good and you can get a lot of experience in different things... like getting pepper sprayed in the face during training. haha. No really, it's a great career to pursue and lots of deparments desperately need recruits. It will be interesting to see if you stick with that idea and can pull it off- I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I keep wussing out!

Kathy said...

Wow Brian! A police officer? That would be a change in lifestyle for sure! But if it's what you have in mind, you should definitely do it! Sorry to hear about your struggles with Anji--time will help as you work toward a different relationship. Keep up the good work at school! You are doing terrific! Love, Aunt Kathy

Jenn said...

Once I thought about being a cop...than I found out all you have to do to get tazed is sign a consent form. haha. well I think that whatever you want to do for a career you will do excellent with!! I'm sorry to hear about anji, but like aunt kathy said, time will help! Good luck and see you soon