Monday, November 24, 2008

so, a quick update...

well, work is going, but that's about it. i'm trying to keep up, but failing, i owe my boss a few tools due to my loosing them in all the running around. we're doing 3-5 calls a day, each lasting up to 3 hours. it's alot of hard work, and at times, i want to just give up. but i'm sticking to it, and giving up my social life for work. i see Erin when i have time, which is most mornings if she's working, cause i need a warm beverage... (she works at DnD on the way...) i haven't talked to most of my friends in a long time because i don't havve time. and i'm not saving any money. my list of bills is too long...and although gas is inexpensive ( I saw 1.83 today!!!), it's still costly to drive 60 miles a day for work....

Erin and I celebrated our one year on the 15th, and are still very happy. we celebrated by going to the aquarium, dinner, and the movies. the aquarium had visitors, several belugas, and some pacific white sided dolphins... she chose dinner, we went to chilis. and we then went to see madagascar 2. which was funny.

as mom stated below, i am enjoying hunting season, but need to find more time for sleep. it didn't help that on friday, dad, brian and i went camping before hunting saturday morning. it's not easy to sleep when it's sixteen degrees outside. also, the mystery animal that sniffed at dad's feet put a slight dent on the sleep for a bit, as did the hunting coyotes that came so close that dad nearly grabbed a gun and woke brian and i in the small amount of time that we did sleep. all in all it was a fun night, we heard some interesting things, such as a fisher cat, the coyotes, deer, and a second mystery animal between 4:30 and 5 in the morning.

although i would love to continue on my update, this is one of my few chances to catch some sleep, so i must go and get it before it's too late.... who know's if i'll get called in th middle of the night....


Christie said...

Good for you to stick with your job. Being new at a job, especially one as busy as yours, is really difficult. But keep working hard and eventually you'll be a pro! And congratulations to you and Erin- the one year is exciting and the aquarium sounds like it was great!

Kathy said...

Keep up the hard work, D! The world needs plumbers and while investment bankers may have lost their shirt--they all still have furnaces and toilets to repair. You'll be the rich one after you pay your dues in the trenches! We are cheering for you!! I love the hunting stories too. Maybe next year things will settle and you could come hunt in Vermont! Love, Aunt Kathy