Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Celebrating Recovery

Today is Sams one year of recovery!!

A year ago today, Sam found out she was pregnant with who we all would soon know as Logan. She was given the gift of being a mother in exchange for her drinking and drug use. It's common that people need to hit a rock bottom before they decide to stop using, but I wouldn't say her getting pregnant was a rock bottom. I remember praying for her that going to jail was her rock bottom, or even moving out to live her own life. But it wasn't. I brought her to meetings, and talked to her about it, only for her to say she didn't have a problem, or that she wasn't using at all. The most painful thing for me was when she moved out, and how I had to decide to let her do her own thing, because I learned in my own recovery that you can't change someone unless they want it for themselves. Mom, Dad, and I (and I'm sure some of you) hoped that she would figure out that this wasn't right for her, and that drinking had changed her into a person full of lies, deciet, and isolation.

But, once she found out she was carrying a child, she stopped immediately. It was obviously a shock last Christmas Eve when I found out she was pregnant, but it was better than drinking. Over the past year I have seen my sister grow in to someone I can now look up to, and grow into a beautiful person, and mother. Some day Logan will know how lucky he is to have her as a Mom. She has also learned who she is as a person. Sam is now a person I call my best friend, and someone I can go to and trust with anything. I'm now not afraid to have Sam home, and I now feel safe when she is around, knowing that she won't steal from me, or bring people into our house that aren't safe people. I can't begin to describe how happy I am for Sam to have reached her one year of sobriety, and I can't wait to celebrate this day for years to come.

(There, so it is sort of Christmas related haha)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

What a beautiful, beautiful tribute to Samantha. I love how you told her story and the results. Baby Logan saved her life and she saved his by getting clean. Jenn, you are a good sister and it brings tears to my eyes to hear you say Sam is your best friend. I know the feeling. Your Mom must be so proud of the two of you. Congratulations Sam! We know we will be able to celebrate this day every year! Love, Aunt Kathy