Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend...

Grama and Logan, the star of the show.
Karen's turn!"Good food, good meat, good God, let's eat!"
Logan gives Nana a smile.
Umm, yeah. :)
His smiling and giggling are a wonderful sight!
This is from Saturday morning on my walk to Grama's. They followed me. It kind of freaked me out after their escapades on Thanksgiving.
It was an awesome weekend and I can't wait to see everyone at Family Christmas!


Poopsie said...

These are wonderful, Christie. :)
What did the goats do on Thanksgiving that made you kinda freak out later?

Jenn said...

The goats were ahem....humping...haha. It was sort of our fault, we were baaaing at them. Great pictures christie!