Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bump in the Road

Last night Cindy posted on her personal blog and commented about the bump in the road in Ashaway. By the time I read her post, she had two other comments.

So I have to ask: Does anyone else have a memory of that "bump in the road"? I don't want to give too much away.

Just asking.

One of the joys of a close family are the memories that tie us together. It tickled me to know my Vermont daughter remembered flying over the bump.

I'm gonna see if it is still there............


Christie said...

The best part about my memory is that we didn't fly over that bump just once, but you turned around and got going fast enough to fly over it a second time!

DJ said...

i remember!!!
i still don't get why those people kept that tree up though...

Christie said...

Haha, you mean the Christmas tree in July(or whatever summer month it was)?!?