Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hey everyone.

I found out two nights ago that Josh has been using heroin for the past couple weeks, and he did 18 bags one night trying to overdose and die.

Mom, RB, and I got together last night and planned an "intervention" for Saturday morning at ten at our house. Anyone who could come and give support around this is more than welcome, and if not, please pray for his safety and well being until then.

We plan on letting him know that he doesn't need to give up hope, and that there are people that love him and care about him. He doesn't think that anyone will accept him for what he has done, and we are trying to get him to see that we do care and we can accept him.

I love Josh alot, and I can't let him kill himself, but Mom also reminded me that I can't save him. If this doesn't work on saturday than that will be the end of our relationship. Please feel free to come, we need all the support we can get!


Christie said...

Hey Jenn, I'm sorry I can't be there but I have been praying and will continue to pray for Josh, for you, and for all those who will help lift him back up. This will probably be one of the toughest experiences you'll have relevant to a person's recovery, but you are amazing and strong. I love you and wish you all the best- my thoughts and prayers will be with everyone on Saturday.

Karen said...

I second everything Christie said. I wish I could be there, but I am thinking about you and about Josh and praying that he accepts your help and realizes he really does have people that care about him and want to help. love you and miss you.

Kathy said...

We love Josh--and you!! While we won't be present for the intervention, I did write Josh a letter and will put it in the mail to your attention (forgot to give it to your mother last night!)

I am praying for Josh that he sees his value to the people around him. No matter what happens between you and him, I am praying he gets well and knows how much will all care about him.

I'm praying for you too, beloved Godchild. You are a strong young woman. I love you very much! ~Aunt Kathy