Thursday, May 21, 2009


Sunday would have been Mammie's 89th birthday. I wasn't there at graveside in person but someone else went for me and tenderly placed the flowers there. She called me while she was at Graveside, thinking someone had stolen the marker from the grave but there isn't one yet. I am finding it difficult to chose. I miss my mother and The call as a tiny blessing. It brought me to her side on her birthday. Happy Day, Mumsie Dearest. Love from your Bobbie.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hope your day is wonderfully
filled with love and joy.

Miss you (and everyone) lots and lots!

Love Love!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Couple Causes

I've found out about a couple websites recently that I want to share with you all because I think they are some great causes.

The first one is To Write Love on Her Arms. This is their mission: "To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery." They are faith based and focus a lot on community and the idea that people need other people.

The second one is Spread the Word to End the Word. The word they mean is the "r-word," or "retarded." This is a word I never use towards another person and I think this cause is a great one. For those of you who knew and loved Dolly, it's a website worth checking out.

I hope everyone is doing fabulously! I miss you all lots and hope to see you soon- if not on my trip home in May, then at Auntie Cindy's party in June!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring and Goats

I thought I had photos but I don't.

The goats have returned from their winter pasture.

Spring has sprung.

Stop by anytime, Jenn. They've been asking for you.

Candle Party

hello everyone...or lack of everyone??

anyways, I'm having a candle party at my house on monday, May 11th, and everyone better be there. haha. I don't know what time yet, but make sure your schedules are free!!

I'll post again when I figure out what time it will be, in the mean time, I expect to see some people posting!